Friday 27 January 2017

Robredo to millennials: Be vigilant vs. misinformation

Vice President Leni Robredo is calling on the youth to help fight misinformation, considering it as the most pressing problem of millennials. 

At a students' forum in Far Eastern University (FEU) last Thursday afternoon, Robredo warned of the dangers that may be caused by the proliferation of wrong information.

"We are also fed with so much misinformation and sometimes all our judgments, all our prejudices come from misinformation," the Vice President said, responding to a students' concerns during the open forum. 

"Kami naman on the side of the government, we should be instituting policies that will make sure that the information that is available iyon ang genuine na information. But on the side of the millennials, kailangan very vigilant tayo.  Huwag magpapaniwala ng basta-basta," she added. 

"I think that is the challenge now. Kasi we can never base our judgement and our prejudices on information that are not true," she added.  

Robredo tagged herself as the "number one victim" of such, as she was subject of recent rumors that included having a boyfriend, getting pregnant, and having an abortion in the US. 

The Vice President noted that misinformation may "create a very bad image" not only of persons, but also of government policies. 

"So sa akin dahil hindi naman kayo masyadong bata, you are already in a position to be vigilant," she told students at the forum. 

"You are already in a position to make sure that what you believe in is correct. Kasi ano naman iyan, you are not being forced to believe in a particular school of thought. Pero sana lang, ang basis ng belief is correct," she added. —LBG, GMA News

