Thursday 17 March 2016

Winning your Ex-Girlfriend Back

Are you one of the guys who are devoted, faithful to your girlfriend? The one who goes head over heels just to make her happy? And yet she dumped you? Now if your answer to all these questions are a big YES, then read on, maybe I can give you some useful insights as to how you can be together again with your ex-girlfriend.

First of all, let us try to understand the mystery of a woman’s brain. Yes, I myself am a woman too and sometimes I too am mystified as to why I think in certain ways depending on my mood. Crazy huh? Anyway, according to some researchers women and men think differently. As such, women sometimes can lean on their emotional side and prefer to talk about what is happening with them. That being said, it would be nice if you as a guy would know your ex-girlfriend inside and out. What makes her tic and what are the things that are going on with her. So here are some of the ways on how you can make your ex-girlfriend become your girlfriend.

  1. Rebuild Yourself
Most women don’t like men who are lacking in self-confidence, conviction and vision. Remember what made your ex-girlfriend like you or fall in love with you in the first place. What changed in you? Keep in mind the fun times that both of you shared. Furthermore, try to figure out if the cause of the break up is about you. If you lacked in giving her your attention or if you are already too strict with her.
Now, if you think the reason for her falling out of love for you is because you have lost your conviction and confidence, then I suggest that you go out there and find something that can make you feel great about yourself again. If it’s you being unhappy with your job that is affecting your relationship then try to find a better job for yourself. If you lost your self-confidence because of your poor health and not so pleasing body figure, then start living a healthy lifestyle, tone your body and dress yourself more appropriately.
With all these changes, you will soon realize that this a great step in loving yourself more and making your ex-girlfriend realize that you are the man for her life. However, do take not that when you are in the process of making a better version of yourself, it is important to minimize your contact with your ex-girlfriend. Why? So that you can concentrate on the things that you have to do and also this will make her miss your presence in her life.

  1. Timing, Place and Setting
Let’s admit it, most often than not, girls/women love surprises or a romantic gesture from the man they love. This can still work for you too, even though she’s already your ex-girlfriend, there would still be that butterfly feeling deep inside the pit of her stomach when she would see you. Especially when you would make an elaborate plan to make things seem to be as coincident as it could possibly be. Yeah, I am talking about destiny. Although this might sound like cheating the odds. Anyway, the important thing is that you would make your presence gradually be felt by her. But be careful not to look like a creepy obsessed stalker because that might land you in jail instead of landing the girl of your dreams.

  1. Love in Friendship
Now that you have established your presence into her life again, work up your relationship with her by befriending her again. Make simple gestures that would give her clues that you are still in love with her, however make sure that you won’t over do this as you might scare her away. Just make her feel that you are there for her.

  1. Do the Move
Now that your friendship with your ex-girlfriend is OK again, try telling her that you are still in love with her and that you want to have a second chance to be with her again. This, may be risky as she might turn you down on your offer. However, chances are, if she saw that you have changed for the better and did all the effort to make her happy then she would accept you again to be her boyfriend.

Moreover, whether you and your ex-girlfriend will be together again or not, do keep in mind that you have done an extensive effort to make yourself become a better person. So even if your ex-girlfriend will turn you down, you have to move on and accept the fact that it is over for the both of you. Furthermore, look into the brighter side, now that you have upgraded yourself to your version 2.0, you would have better opportunities knocking at your door.
