Saturday, 23 April 2016

Three-Day-Old Baby Girl Saved From Being Eaten by Ants After She Was Abandoned Was Near Death

The three-day-old baby girl who was abandoned in the woods in Russia and almost eaten alive by ants was reportedly near death, according to additional news reports. The newborn girl was found by a man in Chelyabinsk after he heard crying coming from a pile of leaves.

A police spokesman explained, “The person that found the baby girl heard her crying and on investigating discovered the child lying on a pile of leaves and covered in ants.  It was clear that the child had been abandoned and there was no one else in sight, so they picked her up and called for an ambulance.”
Now, an additional news report in the Mirror newspaper provides additional pictures of the baby girl and indicates she was near death at the time she was discovered. As The Mirror reports:
According to police , if she had not been found when she was, she most likely would not have survived much longer.
The passer-by called an ambulance and the baby – who still had her umbilical cord attached – was taken to hospital. She is now expected to make a full recovery.
Officers are now trying to trace the tot’s parents.
Here are additional pictures the Mirror provides of the little girl who was saved
