Sunday 3 July 2016

Mistress post a photo for the 'Love Your Spouse Challenge' with someone else's husband! INSANE WOMAN!

Different challenges are being created on facebook. There are things such as 'Trumpets', 'Ice Bucket' in which people needs to upload their video/photo doing the challenge.

There is Motherhood Challenge where mothers around the world needs to post their happiest moment being a mother.

The most recent is the Love Your Spouse challenge where people with spouses/partners needs to upload a photo of their partner together with a heartfelt message.

In line with this, a woman got a nightmare when she discovered that her husband has an affair with another woman. Of course, her husband's mistress posted a photo of them together.

The woman (Gel Sandoval) shared a post of her husband with his woman (MG Gonzales) in line with this said challenge.

She then states her disappointment to her husband and to the girl who claims she is the legit partner of the man.

Source: TNP
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