Tuesday 12 July 2016

Duterte News : Duterte Plans To Transfer Bilibid Drug Lords To An Isolated Island!

Aside from death penalty, President Duterte is also eyeing to create an Alcatraz Prison in the country. Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre II said that they were planning to transfer two of the top drug lords namely Herbert Colangco and Peter Co from New Bilibid Prison to an isolated island prison with no signal of any communication device.

"In the long run, we are also contemplating of even transferring them to Caballo island or to an island in Palawan", Aguirre said in a press briefing.

Colangco and Co was caught in a surprise raid last 2014 living a luxurious life inside the Bilibid with condo-style kubols, firearms and drugs.

President Duterte had earlier expressed his plans to build an Alcatraz-like prison for top criminals. "We should have our own Alcatraz where prison rules and regulations are applied to the fullest so that criminals will understand that in the Philippines crime does not pay," he said.

Caballo Island off Manila Bay and unnamed islands in Palawan were considered to be the island prison. Aguirre sees this solution will totally barred them from doing transactions.

Source: Newskoday
