Tuesday 5 July 2016

Daughter does this to her mother everyday. This will make you cry!

There’s no human being better than our mothers because before we were born, our mothers already sacrificed a lot just to bring us out of this world healthy. After our mothers carried us in their womb and gave us a bountiful life, will you be willing to at least sacrifice a bit of your life to take care of her during her weakest?

This post on facebook hit the hearts of the netizens due to her unconditional and unending love for her 98-year-old mother. Because of her very old age, Relpma’s mothers can no longer walk or eat all by herself. That’s why, her daughter served as her hands and feet and this is the reason why a lot of netizens got touched with Relpma’s stoy because nowadays, many children neglected their parents despite raising them with much love and providing them with their wants and needs.

According to Relpma’s post, every time she feeds and bathes her mother, she always remembers the time when her mom was doing the same thing to her. And as a return, Relpma also gave her all to her 98-year-old mother by taking care of her with all the love and strength that she could give even her mother noticed that she can longer take it during the time when she helped her to walk.

With Relpma’s post, many netizens were inspired and remembered their mothers. As one of those who got inspired and touched by this story, we encourage you to also share this post on your time line so that many would realize the importance of our mother in our lives.
