Sunday 29 May 2016

MUST READ: A Lady Was Killed of Choking While "Doing It!"

If we are going to ask you, what is your most favorite moment with your partner? I am sure the first thing you'll think of is the intimate, right? It seems to be a normal thing now, not knowing the responsibilities that go with it. Worse, the age bracket of people being engaged in pre-marital s*x is getting younger as the years go by. Do you even realize that "doing the thingy" can literally and figuratively kill you.

Talking about the figurative aspect, the consequence of being involved to this "act" will surely kill you if you are not prepared. It will be a domino effect between certain scenarios that will eventually eat you up. From the unplanned pregnancy to building a family, the stress of not fulfilling your dreams for your family and yourself is the disease that can end your life if you didn't do it responsibly.

On the other hand, s*x can also kill you literally. A perfect example of this is the experience of Tania Trinidad Paredes, 23, who works as a Psychologist. One day, she wanted to be rough and nasty, and invited two of her friends to play it by three. Jonathan Ruiz Torres, 32, and Jose Luis Martinez areParedes' flatmates. She invited them for a drink and apparently, a "triple trip." Martinez refused to do the action with the two and slept after the drinking session. The two had their moment and the lady wanted to experience pain and happiness at the same time. The opposite happened after the man accidentally killed her by putting in exaggerated pressure on her neck using a cable. Doctors verified that Paredes died of choking and neck injuries. Truly, a very unfortunate event.

It is very creative to put in an extra spice during your intimate moments, but again, we need to always be responsible. Share your comments in the box. :)

Source: SizzlingFeed
