Wednesday 20 April 2016

What this veteran lawyer tells about Digong's rape joke will make you respect Duterte even more

Tirades against the survey-leading presidential aspirant Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte have surfaced all over the place. And it's sickening that the deafening rants of whitewashing moralists towards the man of the hour scattered left and right - making it a bandwagon.

It was 1989, I was only 16 then when Duterte rescued a beautiful Australian girl who was raped. A child was killed and Duterte wept. True enough, after many years, he remembers the traumatic experience and tell the audience, the victim was so beautiful, as Mayor, he should have been the first. 

(Also Read: Cayetano defends Digong over 'rape joke' issue: Duterte a protector of women)

But in this story, he was the one who saved the victim. As mayor, he was supposed to only oversee it but he took active part in the operations beyond the call of duty. Perhaps, he may have said it to the criminals because this was not the first time I heard the story. So his recollection included that which seemed to be a joke. But look at this from his perspective.
He just engaged in shooting against the criminals. As a first time mayor who wanted to put his mark, he was telling the rapists who was in charge. He was the alpha-dog. And as self-confessed virile male, he was cursing the criminals by saying roughly translated in Tagalog, "gago kayo, inunahan niyo pa ako." It was thug language and Mayor spoke it. He had to have street credit to gain the fear of the hardened criminals and he did. That is why Davao is safe. No criminal wants to piss off another thug in authority. So most of them left Davao and viola, Metro Manila became their new breeding ground. They are in control here. There is no thug in power here. Hence, we saw the proliferation of many criminal syndicates who were allowed to grow because "cultured" politicians do not scare them.
Then more then 28 years later, some of you make a big deal out of this. Crying out like you were the victims. Saying that it is unacceptable for you to have a leader like Duterte because he should have the finesse not to talk like a thug. But he is a thug. A thug with a conscience who can make careless thug jokes but weep like a Catholic moral man to injustice. You say, "do not vote for him". And I tell you, then do not vote for him. You will never vote for him to begin with. So quit with the act of being shock and saying, he lost me there because you were never a supporter to begin with. 
But let me ask you hypocrites out there: what was your candidate doing in 1989? Mar was probably in the safe streets of Boston, Grace was nestled in safe Manila with her rich celebrity parents because the criminals where holding ground in Davao and Binay was busy getting rich because he was lucky enough to be appointed OIC in already wealthy Makati. They never had to deal with Davao in 1989. 

Must Read: Anti-Duterte? Richard Poon and Maricar Reyes' reasons for voting Digong will surely change your perspectiveKaya ako na ang magmumura: put******* niyo din!!! Galing ninyong magmalinis. Kung gusto niyo ng presidente na perpekto, kahit anong bayas at sal**l ang gawin niyo, walang ganun. Pero kung magreact kayo na para bang hindi katanggap-tanggap, eh p****ng ina ninyo!!! And this is not meant as an expression. I am pissed.
Guess, we are here in this situation of rampant criminality because hypocrites like you want finesse and cultured leaders who watches everything they will say because you are too sensitive. Too cautious to ruffle your feathers. And what do we get, emboldened criminals. 

Telling the world to put ourselves in the shoes of the rape victim. Guess what? I AM A RAPE VICTIM at 7 years old. I am the first one supposed to be hurt by the joke. But I am not. Because I am more hurt by the fact that myfinesse and culture made me hide my situation. How I wished Mayor Digong was there to beat the crap out of the two brothers who did it.
And worst, you tell us not to vote for Duterte when the real reason why we have to rouse him in his retirement and solitude in peaceful Davao because your candidates made a stinking job, they could not even deliver safety. 
So, enough with the smear campaign. Let us just put it this way. Kaming boboto kay Duterte, boboto kami kahit anong black propaganda ninyo. Sa inyo na lang din ang undecided. Kung magpapadala sila sa inyo, CONGRATULATIONS!! 
I am sick of defending a man I should not be defending from hypocrites like you. And if he loses because there are more hypocrites than realists in our country then let them have their cake and eat it. So in the event, you get raped or someone you love gets raped, your President will not make a joke because that destroyed the candidate who could have stopped the rape. And chances are, your President will not do anything about it. He or she is no thug, remember?

Watch video: Unedited and uncut interview of Duterte on 'rape joke'
