Tuesday 22 March 2016

Aquino Allies JUNKING Mar Roxas (NoyBi in 2010, Mar or Grace in 2016)

Aquino Administration former Secretary of Foreign Affairs Alberto Romulo graced the official campaign kick-off political rally of Presidential candidate Davao Mayor Rodrigo Duterte and Vice Presidential aspirant Senator Alan Peter Cayetano. This is the “first sighting” of a P-Noy former or current cabinet member PUBLICLY seen showing support to an opposing ticket. President Aquino and the Liberal Party have officially endorsed former Senator and former DILG Secretary Mar Roxas for President and Representative Leni Robredo for Vice-President. Roxas and Robredo have both lagged in their respective presidential and vice-presidential surveys. The rumor mill has it that President Aquino may DUMP either or both of the Liberal Party standard bearers.
There is a huge stake for President Aquino with respect to INEVITABLE criminal charges being filed against him once he steps down from office on June 30, 2016. A possible BRIBERY CASE in relation to the Supreme Court Chief Justice Renato Corona impeachment proceedings plus the UNCONSTITUTIONAL DAP and PDAF pork barrel funds scam are just a few of the controversies that could land P-Noy in JAIL. It is to his OBVIOUS ADVANTAGE if Mar Roxas wins the Presidency although that development looks OVERLY OPTIMISTIC at this stage of the campaign. Aquino is “close” to current presidential survey front runner Senator Grace Poe (although she spurned his offer for her to run as the Vice Presidential candidate of Mar Roxas) but at least she states that she would continue the current administration’s Tuwid Na Daan (Straight Path).
Aquino is currently at odds with Vice President Jejomar Binay, also running for President, and the VP has openly stated that he would use the full force of the law against President Aquino if he (Binay) wins the Presidency. Binay has his own legal problems related to graft and corruption charges so that if he wins the Presidency he would be immune from criminal and civil law suits while in office at the same time that a LOSS in May 2016 would most PROBABLY see him in JAIL for PLUNDER cases.
Mayor Duterte is the UNKNOWN FACTOR since he is hard on criminality, drugs and graft and corruption but basically silent on whether he would hound Noynoy Aquino if he (Duterte) wins the Presidency. The sighting of former Senator and former DFA Secretary Romulo can thus be interpreted as a personal show of support to Duterte at the same time that he (Romulo) could be used as a P-Noy conduit to Duterte if the Davao Mayor is elected President and President Aquino steps down on June 30, 2016 and faces a DELUGE of COURT CASES on the next working day (July 1, 2016) when CRIMINAL CHARGES would be filed as promised by the militant Left. At the very least, the Romulo visit could be the start of JUNKING SEASON (junking Mar, that is) since Mar has always trailed badly in the surveys and practical politicians do not want to be associated with LOSERS so they seek an audience with the other Presidential contenders (Poe, Binay and Duterte).
